CrossFit Level 3
CrossFit Gymnastics
CrossFit Weightlifting
Nutrition Coach Powered by HSN
Since I was young, I've always enjoyed being active, but I never participated in any sports. At 16, I began going to the high school gym and teaching myself how to lift weights. This continued until September 2013 when I turned 28 and realized I needed a change. That's when I discovered CrossFit Influence.
CrossFit reignited my passion for physical activity that had been lost due to monotonous routines. The community aspect of CrossFit kept me motivated and coming back every day. At 39, I am now in the best shape of my life, thanks to CrossFit. I decided to get my Level 1 certification to help others experience the same positive change in their lives. I pursued further education by obtaining my Weightlifting certification, Level 2, and Level 3.
In 2021, I seized the opportunity to purchase CrossFit Influence and turn my dream into reality. Being able to coach and help people improve their quality of life is an incredible feeling. Whether your goal is to lift 500 lbs or simply move with less pain, I believe CrossFit Influence is the perfect fit for you.